• Leadership Los Gatos

  • ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must work or live within Los Gatos

  • The Town of Los Gatos invites you to learn, engage and lead through Leadership Los Gatos.

    Leadership Los Gatos is an eight month program provided by the Town of Los Gatos. Sessions are one Friday per month at various Los Gatos locations from October through May. Become more familiar with topics such as:

    • Town Departments - Community Development, Finance, Parks and Public Works, Library, Police and Clerk’s Office
    • County Fire and other health and safety services
    • Education and recreation services
    • Non-profit and community organizations
    • Interpersonal and professional skill building 


    Each session offers participants the opportunity to become more familiar with the Town of Los Gatos and its role in Silicon Valley. Sessions include presentations on Town Departments and services, as well as a variety of community organizations that are vital to the health, safety, education, comfort and well-being of Los Gatos. 


    Participants interact with community leaders, industry professionals, volunteer groups, and one another to build a stronger network while adopting strategies to become more effective through community engagement. 


    Graduates of Leadership Los Gatos move forward as stronger leaders inspired to participate in our special community and eager to effect positive change. 


    2024 Chamber Title Sponsor