• About Us

  • Welcome to the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce!

    The Chamber strives to make Los Gatos a better place to work, live and play. Through our many programs and events, we strengthen and promote member businesses while enhancing the unique quality of life in our community.

    If you are a local businessperson, we invite you to join the Chamber. Chamber membership offers a way to become part of a larger network, providing opportunities for meeting new people and gaining additional exposure.


    • All member businesses, large or small, have access to the knowledge and experience of fellow Chamber members.
    • Our collective voice on local and state issues shapes the business environment of the future and the culture of our town.
    • Chambers can do things to help member businesses when they do not have the time or resources to advertise or plan events.
    • Chamber membership allows for great networking opportunities. By increasing contact and awareness among businesses, Chamber members develop strong relationships within the local business community.
    • When it comes to representing the needs of the business community, there is indeed strength in numbers. When issues arise that impact businesses, the Chamber goes to work to present a unified voice and explain the perspective of the businesses in town. As a result, member businesses gain representation and credibility.
    • The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce also benefits the community by organizing events and programs for business development.
    • The Chamber also serves as the Visitor and Information Center to promote Los Gatos as a “destination location.”



    The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce will serve the community first and foremost by being a

    CATALYST for business growth

    CONVENER of leaders and influencers to get things done

    CHAMPION for a thriving community


    The Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce aims to be the strong, unified voice of the spirited Los Gatos business community and as a CATALYST for business support and advocacy. The Chamber will act as a CONVENER of leaders and influences for dialogue and problem solving. The Chamber serves as a CHAMPION working to preserve the cherished quality of life in our Town by listening to the concerns of all segments of the community.

    MEMBER opportunities and programs:

    • Networking Mixers
    • Chamber Committees
    • Visitor and Information Center
    • Ribbon Cuttings
    • Wine Walks other Community Fundraising Events
    • Holiday Carriage Rides and Los Gatos Loyal Campaign
    • Business Referrals
    • Biz-to-Biz Networking Luncheons
    • Educational Workshops (e.g., social media)
    • Annual Celebration
    • Community Impact Partners

  • Jennifer Lin
  • Jennifer Lin
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Lauren Scalora
  • Lauren Scalora
    Events & Marketing Manager
  • BethHeadshot.jpg
    Beth Foley
    Multimedia Designer